Sorting Scripture

Published: Sat, 3 Aug 2013

Encode O'Toole's as O'Toole's

O'Toole's exploded is: O and Toole.

Combined = O'Toole's

Let's test a scripture sort function:

Unsorted list:

    [0] => Ruth
    [1] => Psalm 117
    [2] => Romans 16
    [3] => Matt 1:18-25
    [4] => Psalms 150
    [5] => Matthew 1:1-2:12
    [6] => Genesis 22
    [7] => Heb 11:1-3
    [8] => 1 Samuel 1
    [9] => 2 Thessalonians 2
    [10] => Genesis 3:15
    [11] => Zechariah 7
    [12] => John 17
    [13] => 2 Chrnicles 35
    [14] => John 21
    [15] => Acts 1
    [16] => Matthew 12
    [17] => Exodus 14-15

Sorted with oleosjo's gist:

  1. Genesis 3:15
  2. Genesis 22
  3. Exodus 14-15
  4. Ruth
  5. 1 Samuel 1
  6. 2 Chrnicles 35
  7. Psalm 117
  8. Psalms 150
  9. Zechariah 7
  10. Matthew 1:1-2:12
  11. Matt 1:18-25
  12. Matthew 12
  13. John 17
  14. John 21
  15. Acts 1
  16. Romans 16
  17. 2 Thessalonians 2
  18. Heb 11:1-3

Nice. :)