ATLA Religion Database with ATLASerials

Published: Sun, 11 Jul 2021

Welcome to the Atla Religion Database with AtlaSerials Screen! Browse the topics listed below to find what you are looking for:

About the Database

Atla Religion Database with AtlaSerials

Atla Religion Database® (Atla RDB®) with AtlaSerials® (AtlaS®) combines the premier index to journal articles, book reviews, and collections of essays in all fields of religion with Atla's online collection of more than 370+ major religion and theology journals. This database is produced by the American Theological Library Association.

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Searching Tips

There are a number of helpful tips and hints you can use to improve your search results. For example, you can use Boolean operators to link terms together; limit the search to a specific title; and /or restrict the search to a particular date range.

Note: Stopwords are commonly used words such as articles, pronouns, and prepositions. These words are not indexed for searching in the database. For example, 'the', 'for', and 'of' are stopwords. When a stopword is used in a query, any single word or no word is retrieved in place of the stopword. When searching strings that contain stopwords or a Boolean operator, it is necessary to use quotation marks.

Boolean Operators

Sometimes a search can be overly general (results equal too many hits) or overly specific (results equal too few hits). To fine tune your search, you can use AND, OR, and NOT operators to link your search words together. These operators will help you narrow or broaden your search to better express the terms you are looking for and to retrieve the exact information you need quickly.

USING THE "AND" OPERATOR: If you have a search term that is too general, you can append several terms together using "AND". By stringing key terms together, you can further define your search and reduce the number of results. Note: Unless you define a specific search field, the result list will contain references where all your search terms are located in either the citation, full display or full text.

• For example, type high risk AND injury to find results that refer to both high risk and injury.

USING THE "OR" OPERATOR: In order to broaden a search, you can link terms together by using the "OR" operator. By using "OR" to link your terms together you can find documents on many topics. Linked by this operator, your words are searched simultaneously and independently of each other.

• As an example, search high risk AND injury OR trauma to find results that contain either the terms "high risk" and "injury", or the term "trauma".

USING THE "NOT" OPERATOR: In order to narrow a search, you can link words together by using the "NOT" operator. This operator will help you to filter out specific topics you do not wish included as part of your search.

Grouping Terms Together Using Parentheses

Parentheses also may be used to control a search query. Without parentheses, a search is executed from left to right. Words that you enclose in parentheses are searched first. Why is this important? Parentheses allow you to control and define the way the search will be executed. The left phrase in parentheses is searched first; then based upon those results the second phrase in parentheses is searched.

In the first example, the search will retrieve everything on "early education" as well as references to the terms "pre-school" and "adult education", and everything on "secondary schools".

In the second example, we have used the parentheses to control our query to only find articles about "early education or pre-school" that reference "adult education or secondary schools".

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Searchable Fields

All fields are searched as a default in an unqualified search, except for the following: ISBN, ISSN, Library of Congress Number, Linking record control Number, Related links and Publication Type.

Note: At this time, the EBSCOhost search engine does not support the searching of diacritical marks (accent marks), present in fields within this database. The diacritical search enhancement will be implemented at a future date.

The following list will help you locate detailed information referenced in this database as a field.

Searchable tag Description Example
AA Abstract Available
[Phrase Indexed]

Performs an exact search for the value Y or N. Y indicates that the records have an abstract available.

AB Abstract
[Word Indexed]

Performs a keyword search of the abstract summaries.

AB catholic
AN Accession Number
[Phrase indexed]

Performs an exact search for an article's unique identification number..

AN Atla0000785063
AR Author Phrase
[Phrase Indexed]

Performs an exact search for an article's author, in the format of last name, first name, and middle initial if available.

AU Enninger, Werner
AR "Bendroth, Margaret Lamberts"
AU Author
[Word Indexed]

Performs a keyword search for any authors of an article.

AU Enninger, Werner
AU Noble, Paul R.
BN Scripture Book Name
[Word Indexed]

Performs a keyword search for any scripture book.

BN Thessalonians, 1st
CA Corporate author
[Word Indexed]

Performs a keyword search for any corporate authors of an article.

CA Coldplay
CB Contents Note
[Word Indexed]

Performs a keyword search of notes regarding contents.

CB Genesis
CC Classification Code
[Word Indexed]

Performs a keyword search of Atla classification codes.

CC Nature
CH Chapter
[Word Indexed]

Performs a search of the scripture chapter number

CH 24
CO Conference name
[Word Indexed]

Performs a search of the related conference.

CO European Mission Conference
DE Heading or Keyword
[Phrase Indexed]

Performs an exact search of the heading descriptors listed in the records.

DE Women -- Education
[Phrase Indexed]

Performs an exact search of DOI listed in the records

DO 10.1163/15700666-12341268
DT Date of Publication
[Date Indexed]

Performs an exact search for the date of publication of an article into the database in YYYY, YYYYMM or YYYYMMDD format

DT 1999
DT 19990201
ED Entry Date
[Date Indexed]

Performs an exact search for the date of entry of an article into the database in YYYYMMDD format.

ED 20160820
FM Format Full Text
[Phrase Indexed]

Performs an exact search for an article's type of full text. The searchable values and what they indicate are as follows:

  • T - HTML Full Text
  • C - Embedded Image in the Full Text
  • P - PDF document

FT Full Text Available
[Phrase Indexed]

Performs an exact search for the value Y or N. Y indicates that the records have full text available.

GE Geographic Terms
[Word Indexed]

Performs a keyword search of geographic locations pertaining to an article's content.

GE Africa -- Church history
[Phrase Indexed]

Performs an exact search for a publication's International Standard Book Number.

IB 9780195337105
IP Issue
[Phrase Indexed]

Performs an exact search for a publication's issue number.

IP 4
[Phrase Indexed]

Performs an exact search for a publication's International Standard Serial Number.

IS 0021-969X
JN Journal Name
[Phrase Indexed]

Performs an exact search for the journal name of the article.

JN Academy
LA Language of Item
[Word Indexed]

Performs a keyword search for the record's listed languages.

LA eng
[Word Indexed]

Performs a search for a record’s Library of Congress Control Number

LC 2016.0228
NA Subject Name
[Word Indexed]

Performs a keyword search of a record's personal or corporate subject terms.

NA accademia
NT General Note
[Word Indexed]

Performs a keyword search of the general notes on the article.

NT Bibliography
OA Open Access Flag
[Phrase Indexed]

Performs an exact search for the value Y or N. Y indicates that the records are open access.

OT Uniform Title
[Word Indexed]

Performs a keyword search for the uniform title

OT National Moratorium On Prison Construction
PB Publisher
[Word Indexed]

Performs a keyword search for the publisher name.

PB Sage
PD Papal Date
[Date Indexed]

Performs an exact search for the Papal date associated with an article into the database in YYYY, YYYYMM or YYYYMMDD format

PD 19801025
PG Number of Pages
[Phrase Indexed]

Performs an exact search for an article's page count.

PG 18
PN Pagination
[Word Indexed]

Performs a keyword search for an article’s page range

PN 72
PP Place of Publication
[Word Indexed]

Performs a keyword search for the publication place

PP London
PT Publication Type
[Phrase Indexed]

Performs an exact search for a record's publication type.

PT article
RV Peer-Reviewed
[Phrase Indexed]

Performs an exact search for the value Y or N. Y indicates that the articles are peer-reviewed.

RW Non-author Contributor
[Word Indexed]

Performs a keyword search on non-author contributors such as reviewers, editors, or translators

RW Stewart
SC Scripture Citation
[Word Indexed]

Performs a keyword search for the scripture citation.

SC Luke 12:40
SC Luke 15:11 - 15:32
SO Publication Name
[Word Indexed]

Performs a keyword search for the journal name of the article.

SO Anima
SP Start Page
[Phrase Indexed]

Performs an exact search for an article's starting page number.

SP 13

Scripture Expanded
[Word Indexed]

Performs a keyword search on the single scriptures contained within a cited range.

SR John 1:15
ST Series Title
[Word Indexed]

Performs an exact search for series title.

ST American Academy of Religion
SU Subject Terms
[Word Indexed]

Performs a keyword search of the subject headings listed in the records.

SU Linguistics
SV Series Volume
[Phrase Indexed]

Performs a keyword search of the related series including volume information.

SV 3
TI Title
[Word Indexed]

Searches keywords in a record's English and non-English title field.

TI London Quakers
TP Subject Topic
[Word Indexed]

Performs a keyword search on all subjects in a record.

TP music
TX All Text
[Word Indexed]

Performs a keyword search of all the database's searchable fields. Using the TX field code will cause the search to look for the keyword in the full text as well as the citation record.

TX Jesus
UT Subject Uniform Title
[Word Indexed]

Performs a keyword search for titles as subjects.

UT acts
VE Verse
[Word Indexed]

Performs a keyword search on a scripture verse number.

VE 3
VI Volume
[Phrase Indexed]

Performs an exact search for a publication's volume number.

VI 5
XF Full Text Only
[Word Indexed]

Performs an exact search for Full Text Only

XF church
YR Year Published
[Date Indexed]

Performs a date search for the year published in a YYYY format.

YR 2005


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Definition of Fields

The following table explains the contents of each field in an Atla Religion Database with AtlaSerials record's detailed display (not all fields are listed in every record).

Field name Description
Title Title of the article.
Alternate Title Non-English title of the article.
Language Language in which the article was published.
Authors Any author's names listed in last name, first name format.
Source The source in which the article was published and any other additional information available be it volume number, issue number, pagination, page count or specifics on illustrations found in the article.
Historical Period Chronology content marking time event details of the record.
Document Type Indicates a record's document type, such as article, book, abstract, company report, industry overview, and more.
Benchmarks The specific article’s Benchmark subject headings describing the record's content.
Subject Terms The specific article’s subject headings describing the record's content.
Geographic Terms The specific article's geographic subject headings describing the record's content.
Author-Supplied Keywords Searchable terms in relation to the article that are provided by the author.
Keywords Searchable terms based on the article's content. If keywords are in a language other than English, the corresponding language will be noted.
Company/Entity Company or institutional names related to the article’s content. May include DUNS numbers and/or Ticker numbers.
Reviews & Products Products mentioned or reviewed in the article.
NAICS/Industry Codes NAICS industry codes and industry names related to the article’s content
People Personal names related to the article’s content
Abstract A brief summary taken from the article itself.
Disclaimer Disclaimer statement associated with a publication title
Notes General statement listed in the record regarding the article.
Author Affiliations The organization or institution affiliated with the authors of the article.
Country of Publication The country in which an article was originally published.
Committee Name The government department or committee referenced in the document.
Region/Area The region or area referenced in the document.
Place of Event Location of the event referenced in the article.
Guest Guests referenced in the article.
Full Text Word Count The word count of the article's full text.
ISSN Indicates a record's International Standard Serial Number.
ISBN Indicates a record's International Standard Book Number.
URL Indicates a record's Uniform Resource Locator.
DOI Indicates a record's Digital Object Identifier.
Document Number The unique identifier associated with a dissertation
Accession Number Unique number to identify the record.

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Publications Authority File

The Publications authority file is a list of the publications from the Atla Religion Database with AtlaSerials. The Publications authority file is drawn from the publications listed in each record; therefore, all terms will provide links to pertinent records. User is able to browse publications by using one of three modes: "Alphabetical", "By Subject & Description" or "Match Any Words".

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Subject Terms Authority File

The Subject Terms authority file is a controlled vocabulary of terms that assists in more effectively searching the database. You can browse the keywords search list "Alphabetically" or as "Relevancy Ranked".

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Index Browse Authority File

Index browsing allows the user to view all values that occur in specified fields in a database, along with corresponding hit counts. Access the index browse feature by clicking the green "Indexes" button on the upper portion of the "Advanced" search screen. Use the drop-down menu to choose an index to browse. Indexes can also be searched using tags. Since browsable indexes are phrase indexed, the exact form and spelling of terms as they appear in the database must be used in conjunction with the tags when entering a search manually. Indexes available for browsing in Atla Religion Database with AtlaSerials are listed below. Tags for all fields included in the index browse feature begin with "Z" (e.g. "ZA" for Author).

Accession Number
Author ZA
Publisher ZB
Book Title ZK
Classification Code ZS
Conference Name ZQ
Corporate Author ZO
Subject Genre ZZ
Subject Geographic ZG
Journal Title ZJ
Language ZL
Subject Name ZM
Publication Type ZT
Year Of Publication ZR
Bible Citation ZP
Scripture Reference ZP
Series ZY
Subjects All ZU
Topical Terms ZE
Update Code ZD
Year of Publication ZR

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Copyright and Restrictions of Use

The Atla Religion Database with AtlaSerials is made up of indexing, abstracts, and full text. The copyright is held by the American Theological Library Association, (2001). All Rights Reserved.

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Where to Send Your Comments

If you have some comments about either the database or the software, we would appreciate hearing from you! Please mail your comments to:

EBSCO Information Services
P O Box 682
Ipswich, MA 01938
Tel: 800-653-2726
Tel: 978-356-6500
Fax: 978-356-6565

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